– Ram Prasad Prasain
Hi Gentlepersons!!! How are you feeling and taking this site?! I am browsing it times and again to see the fathomless sanctifying spirits, flora and fauna of beautiful nature and loomig and weaving undre the dreams of the very site developer has undertaken, i have nothing more than overwhemingly pondering on it. And i staretd to ejaculate inner sentiments with outer realities as unfurlonged here. Interest in dreams is as old as mankind himself. Mankind’s oldest book the Bible is full of them, with the first recorded dream occurring around 1900 B.C.E. The Greeks, Romans and Babylonians all put great hope in dreams, especially on the eve of battle. They believed that through dreams their Gods would direct them to victory. Today the interest in dreams and their interpretation is no less profound. In the early 20th Century Sigmund Freud referred to dreams as �the royal road to the unconscious.’ He gave his own interpretations of dreams on the basis of our repressed desires, especially the sexual urge. Today it is generally held that Freud’s interpretation of dreams was overly simplified. But why do we dream in the first place? Dreams are often a response to our daily thoughts, activities and sensations. They are often, then, a reflection of what has consumed our minds in the preceding day or two. Dreams are apparently a necessary part of our being. Experiments have been done in which adult subjects were given drugs that progressively eliminated their rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. It is during REM that dreams occur. The depriving of the ability to dream resulted in marked personality changes in such subjects. They became increasingly abrasive and anxious and found it difficult to concentrate. It was also shown that the younger a person is, the more important dreams are to their well being. Scientific studies have resulted in some universally accepted conclusions about dreams. Firstly, it is apparent that everyone dreams, even those who would deny it. Dreaming is as natural as breathing. Babies dream much more than adults. Infants, in fact, spend about 70 percent of their sleep time dreaming. In comparison, adults spend just 24 percent of their sleep time in the dream state. It appears that animals also dream. Researchers have long known that sleep can be divided into stages. Initially we are in a light sleep stage. From there we progressively enter into a deeper sleep until we reach what is known as the Stage IV sleep state. From here we enter into a lighter stage before moving into the REM stage. REM sleep is accompanied by darting movements of the eyes, even though they are closed. It is as if the eyes were watching a movie playing on the closed eyelids. During REM the brain is operating as if the body were awake. It is during REM that dreams occur. It generally takes the sleeper about 90 minutes to pass through all of the stages of sleep. Once the REM stage is completed, the process starts again. During the first cycle, REM lasts for only about five minutes. This, however, gradually increases until during the final cycle, a person in the REM stage for up to fifty minutes. So, in a normal night’s sleep a person will spend between ninety and one hundred and twenty minutes in the REM dream state. Dreams are very easily forgotten. In fact, we generally only remember the last one we have each night. Realising that we all dream so often, however, can give us a little balance when it comes to looking at the meaning behind our dreams. A dream is not a special occurrence with a special meaning. It is something that everyone does many times every night. Of course there are many people who would interpret your dreams for you. The greatest argument against their effectiveness, however, is the fact that there is huge discrepancy among these �experts’ as to the interpretation of dreams. One expert tells you that your dream means this, while another gives an entirely different interpretation. Another problem with professional dream interpretation is that psychotherapists from different cultures ascribe different meanings to dream symbolisms based on what they are familiar with. This, again, has led to wildly different interpretations of the same dream. A tendency among dream analysts of recent times has been to teach people to interpret their own dreams. It is felt that each person is aware of his own thoughts, feelings and experiences and is, therefore, in the very best position to know what his dreams actually mean. This, however, leaves the interpretation of the dream open to our own bias. In other words we can make the dream fit into any interpretation that we wish. The general scientific consensus is that dreams are a necessary way for our subconscious mind to exercise itself. They warn about attaching undue significance to any interpretation of dreams. We are advised not to take our dreams too seriously, but rather to enjoy them for what they are – an essential part of our sleep process. The realities of this time were once dreams in the mind of lunatic and rational day dreamers and lonesome sleepers.
(Previously posted under DreamBlogs! – Admin)